Selected works
Fiction & Flash
- Southern Humanities Review, "Never Love a Wild Thing", Nominated for Best of the Net
- Atticus Review, "Coyote Story," Nominated for a Pushcart Prize
- Parhelion Literary Magazine, "Switchblade Serenade" Nominated for a Pushcart by Quarter Press
- Fatal Flaw, "The Sing Song Arch of Spine," Nominated for Best Small Fictions
- 3Elements Review, "Her Name was Amy," Nominated for Best of the Net
- Barren Magazine, "The Burden," Editor's Pick, Issue 19
- BULL, "Sylvia"
- Trampset, "Kings of the Hollowed-Out"
- Heavy Feather Review, "Call Me Kitty"
- Lunch Ticket, "How to Skin a Fox"
Creative Non-fiction
- The Account Magazine, "The Falcon's Cry," Finalist for Best of the Net
- The Portland Review, "Drive Me Home"
- Lunch Ticket, "In My Arms"
- Superstition Review, "Dressing Foxes" (audio available)
- Cleaver Magazine, "Tell Me how to Build an Audience while You Move Your Arms and Legs like Serpents and Scarves in the Dark of the Cattle Ranch"
- Variant Lit, "How to Rescue a Bobcat"
- Split Rock Review, "A Picture of a Fox"
- Split Rock Review, "Writing Lightly, The Metabolic Rate of a Story" Craft Essay
- Passages North, "A Note on Sex and Death on the Beach," Recipient of the Neutrino Short-Short Prize, read on Voicemail Poems
- Witness Magazine, "The Problem I am Having is that Dying can be So Loud with Death So Quiet, Runner-up of the 2023 Literary Awards
- Jet Fuel Review, "The Coldening," Nominated for Best of the Net
- Driftwood Press, "The Atlas of Indescribable Dead Things," Nominated for Best of the Net
- Permafrost, Issue 42.2, "When You Go to Bed with the Shape of Nabokov’s Mouth," Nominated for a Pushcart Prize
- Scavengers Lit, "Know the Origins of my Eat," Best of the Net Nomination
- Fatal Flaw, "How the World Dearly Loves a Cage," Nominated for a Pushcart Prize
- The Shore, "Night Study"
- Action, Spectacle "The History of Taxidermy," "I am Having a Dream Diane Seuss is Giving Me an Abortion," and "My Tongue a Perfect Fit"
- Rust & Moth, "My Grandmother was Once a Girl"
- StoneCoast Review, "The Art of It"
- Newfound, "The Moth Teachings"
- Northwest Review, "Oh Please"
- Harbor Review, "My Father the Race Car Photographer and My Husband the Flower Painter"
- Pithead Chapel, "The History of Flowers that Eat Meat"
- Passengers Journal, "The History of Spindle Cells"
- Gone Lawn "Sick like a"; "I Took a Thousand Pictures of You"; "Frog Baroque for a Girl King"
- Pithead Chapel, "The Fox Learns a Word"
- Pithead Chapel, "I am a Dead Wolf Talking to Boys"
- The Normal School, "The Fish as Healer"
- Driftwood Press, "Pretty in Pink"
- Bear Review, "The Child"
- Literary Mama, "Bird Note Poem Winter Roadside"
- Wild Roof Journal, "The Everlasting Eulogy of Lush"
- Stone Circle Review, "When I Said you are Dead to Me, What I Meant is that I Love You"
- RiverTeeth, "The Hart"
- Cathexis Northwest Press, "In the Beginning There was Eagle Sex"
- River Heron Review, "Birdhouse"
- Passages North, "The History of Glaciers"
- Under a Warm Green Linden Press, "The History of Rat King"
- Ghost City Press, "The Home of Seamstress"
- Bird Coat Quarterly, "The History of Brother"; "The History of Fire and Black Eyes"
- The Inflectionist Review, "Cetology"
- Unbroken, "I Have Asked for a Great Space to See Many Things"
- MAYDAY, "The History of a Window Overlooking the Wetlands"
- Antiphony, "Fox, Fox, Fox"
Anthologies & Zines
- Beat Not Beat, California Poets Anthology
- Milk & Cake Press, Dead of Winter Anthology
- Stone Gathering Anthology
- Moontide Press, Shit Men Say to Me
Forthcoming from...
Cherry Tree, Cream City Review, Lake Effect, Storm Cellar, Pine Hills Review, Scavengers, and ANMLY
Moon T
Cherry Tree, Cream City Review, Lake Effect, Storm Cellar, Pine Hills Review, Scavengers, and ANMLY
Moon T